Isaac has big feet. So his grandma got him some new socks, some that fit just right and some that are too big but that will fit better soon. The only issue is that most of them didn't have the no-slip bottoms. Our house is mostly carpet, except for the kitchen and Isaac's room. When we started putting him in the socks, I noticed he would slip a little if he tried to pull himself up but not too bad.
Then, last week we went to visit family who had no carpet, just area rugs in their house. He was in his socks and just kept slipping, then of course his leg would go under the furniture and he didn't know how to free himself.
Isaac has started pulling himself up on furniture more and more and has started walking along the furniture. It seems as though he only crawls to get to the next piece, if it is too far away to transfer.
So, I decided that the socks needed to have no-slip bottoms. Rather than getting new socks, I came up with a way to do it myself. I used puffy paint (98 cents at Wal-Mart) rather than hot glue (my original idea) because I don't have a hot glue gun and our tiny Wal-Mart didn't have one (at least that I could find.)
First, I gathered all the socks that needed sticky bottoms and my puffy paint. I chose to use black, but whatever color you choose will work.
Then I flattened out the bottoms. No worries if it isn't perfect, it is just easier to apply the paint this way. If you tuck the heel of the sock in, they will flatten out nicely.
Then...I went to town! I did zig-zags on most of them because it was easier. I tried to keep to the middle of the sock, but as long as it is on the bottom it will be fine.
I tried dots on one pair, but they took longer and I didn't think one way would work better than the other. The dots also tend to stick up more than the zig-zag so if you are worried about them drying quickly that will be something to consider.
My puffy paint would randomly send out a big glob...I just tried to spread it out a bit. It is the bottom of the sock so it won't be seen much. Sorry about the blurry photo, Isaac was trying to help and my camera wasn't very appreciative.
So far the socks are working out really well, but the true test will be when we visit relatives that have less carpeting than we do...or when he dares to take a step without the assistance of furniture.