Sunday, January 6, 2013

Peppermint Candy Tray

So this year, we made tons of Christmas cookies and had a blast.  One problem...I don't have a good tray to serve cookies on.  I didn't want to just put them on a plate and I had seen all these peppermint candy trays on Pinterest.  I decided to try one.

I spaced on my candies...couldn't get them in a perfect circle but oh well.

and I baked them in a preheated oven. 200 degrees for 5 minutes.

I kept adding time until they were melted together but never more than 5 minutes at a time so that they wouldn't burn.  My husand tried to break off the funny tail thing I ended up with and it cracked the entire plate.  I was able to pop it back in the oven and fix it!  Many of the posts I had seen said that it was uber fragile and to be careful taking it off the parchment paper because it would stick.  Mine didn't stick to the parchment paper and it didn't seem as fragile as some posts had made them seem.
It is end up shattering when it got knocked off our shelf.  Luckily you can just buy more mints and make another...unluckily I found mints that didn't melt.  My second attempt the mints only melted slightly then dried out.  So, if you are going to make this tray don't use the brand Great Value.  They don't work.
The one issue is that the tray is extremely flat so picking it up off the table wasn't the easiest.  Next time I'm going to try making a smaller tray to put the bigger on on top of...while it is still hot to see if it will act like a base.  Of course between now and the next time I need one there are holidays and birthdays so we'll see if the hubby remembers what I needed through our first holiday season at home with the little one.

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