Tuesday, April 30, 2013

So Busy, Better Back Track

These past few weeks have been super busy.  I went out of town for about a week to see family and have a girls weekend.  Isaac has been getting pickier about what he eats and has been testing his limits even more.   He still won't use a spoon to feed himself and has decided he doesn't like chunks of chicken...the little turkey.  Hopefully we'll be able to change that attitude soon, before all the travel starts.

I was looking through projects I have done, some pre-blog, and realized I should back up and go over some of those.  I don't have tons of pictures for them since it was pre-blog and I wasn't thinking about the possibility of needing any pictures.  Today we'll look at the "butterfly feet" project.  We did this one last year for our mom's on Mother's Day.  I thought sharing it might help inspire me to figure out what we should do this year.

Footprint butterflies tracy_mcanally  Footprint butterflies  Footprint butterflies
This was the inspiration behind the idea. I found it on Pinterest and thought it would be a good idea to do while Isaac was still little.
Now, for this project I went and bought 2 canvas squares and Crayola Finger paint.  I thought that would be the easiest to clean off our 4 month old. I had Eli start, we did one foot at a time and did both pieces at the same time.  I let him choose his colors, then we chose Isaac's, and I chose mine accordingly.  Since we had the top and bottom different colors, I painted it on his foot.  A few tips, paint everywhere, even if you have high arches.  Try not to paint the entire toe is you want there to be differentiation between the foot and the toes (so that it actually looks like a foot).
Eli doing his feet. The paint doesn't really drip, but be sure to put down a drop cloth in case you accidentally step or lose your balance.  Then you won't be mad at yourself for getting paint on the carpet.

Isaac got to hang out in the laundry basket.  I put a blanket in so he was more comfortable and propped him up in the corner.  We did the project just before bath time and put him in a sleeper sack.  It was the easiest way to disrobe him when it was his turn, and we only had to rinse his feet before his bath.

I did my feet before we did Isaac's to make sure that mine would fit.  His were little and could go anywhere.  We got a little too much paint on his toes, oops.  It does take two because he wanted to pull his feet up so it took one of us to hold him, and the other to help him make a foot print.

You can see it after we all had our turn.  We decided there wasn't enough room between our feet, so we put Isaac's in the middle above.  Below is a closer picture.  In case you didn't notice, Isaac's colors are those created by mixing Eli's and mine.  I choose green on top to make Isaac's a darker green when mixed with blue because Eli and I didn't want to have the same color and we didn't want one of Isaac's to be purple.

I took a sharpie and drew in the bodies.  The size and shape were determined by the amount of space between our feet and the way out feet were shaped.  After I wrote "Happy Mother's Day 2012" and signed it. Sorry, didn't get a picture of that.  This project was easy enough, but I just don't have any ideas for this year.  Isaac is old enough to resist to make these projects more difficult, but not quite old enough to understand directions to participate.  I might think of doing a paint project with him if it was warm enough outside, but we got snow this morning so that probably won't work.
I'd gladly listen to suggestions and feel free to use this idea! Next week (with luck) will be another back up project before I get too busy.  Once travel hits, posts will be scarce but I should have some great pictures to share after at least a few weddings!

1 comment:

  1. Have you seen the paint projects where you write a word in painters tape and then let the child finger paint over? And then you pull the tape off at the end? That might be an idea to do with Isaac. Hope all is well with you guys. -Cait
